Friday, February 8, 2013

Brand ~ Homemade Chaos

As a Stay At Home Mom to the two cutest and busiest little boys I know, I spend my days putting their needs first, followed by the household chores that always need to be done, leaving little time for my partner, who has unselfishly settled for a distant third place in the race for my attention, while most days my own needs don't even make the master priority list! I refuse to believe I am alone in this chaos. This doesn't mean that I don't enjoy my role as housewife and mother. Quite the contrary! I love being there for my family. I cherish the one on one time that driving my oldest son to and from school allows us, if only for 15 minutes a day. How else would I find out his deepest fifth grade secrets, that no one else is privy to? I don't know what else I would do with all of those extra hours in my week if I wasn't cheering him on at the hockey rink. I wouldn't trade all those spontaneous toddler cuddles for coffee breaks and adult company in a workplace. I wouldn't swap my endless piles of laundry and the dirty dishes that build up in the sink, while we are busy playing, laughing and learning! I wouldn't exchange my 24 hours of volunteer duty for the monotony of a 9am-5pm high paying job. I couldn't be talked out of all the sacrifices we've had to make, just to keep food on the table, pay the bills and maintain a roof over our heads. Our house is small and nothing fancy. We are a one vehicle family, and a much older vehicle at that! But those are not things the children will remember, when it really matters. It is my hope that they will look back on their childhood with fond memories of time spent together as a family. And I really don't want them to remember my ill housekeeping skills! As I type this, the house is quiet as my boys are tucked in their beds, fast asleep. There are 3 loads of clean laundry, sitting in baskets waiting to be folded, there are toys scattered across the living room floor, the dishwasher needs to be unloaded and a few dirty dishes sit in the sink, awaiting their turn....but right now, it's my turn! My turn to enjoy precious moments alone. My turn to relish the peace the evening brings and delight in the quiet their sleep brings, before the chaos hits that the early morning brings. But it's our chaos....our own special brand of nothing but the very best Homemade Chaos!

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