Monday, February 11, 2013

It's Another Monday Chaos

Does anyone else suffer from the "It's another Monday" blahs!? It seems that my weekends are so jammed full of running around for hockey, from one rink to another, one town to another, with a cranky, overtired, underfed toddler in tow, that by Sunday night, I can't even get off the couch to tidy up the toys or the dishes! And so, this usually finds me starting off my week in a state of panic! Today was no different....

I was up in the wee hours of the early morning with my toddler, who still can't seem to figure out how to sleep through the night without disturbing Mommy's much needed 8 short hours of sleep! So, when the alarm went off, I sleepily turned it off & fell back to sleep! Thank goodness for my 10 year old demanding his own alarm be set, or we may have all still been asleep this afternoon! However, just because he woke up and got himself dressed, doesn't mean he actually wanted to go to school! Far from it! He started his usual whining and crying routine about how stupid school is, and even threw in how his foot hurts and that he can't possibly go to school if his foot hurts! While arguing the fact that one can certainly attend school with a sore foot, I was dashing around the kitchen, making a peanut butter & jam sandwich and throwing together anything I could find in the pantry that could pass as an acceptable lunch. I quickly ask if they have "lunch police" in middle school. He looked at me as though I'd lost my mind....which I'm quite certain I probably have! Oh that reminds me, turn on the leftover coffee from yesterday, still sitting in the pot....that will work as a quick fix until I can brew a fresh pot later! Once convinced he would survive school, we rushed to get him there....only 2 minutes late today! Not bad and it beats my usual Monday morning record of a good 10 minutes late last Monday!

Once home it's time to get the toddler out of his crib....who had been sleeping soundly since his early morning wake up a couple of hours earlier! Daddy was at home with him while I drove Harrison to school, but he too was fast asleep in bed! Let the chaos begin....once Stetson hits the floor running, look out! The toys are strewn from one end of the main floor to the other in mine field fashion. The giant pile of cardboard I have precariously stacked in the small plastic bin in front of the garbage can is regularly dumped out in the middle of the kitchen floor, forcing me to navigate my way through a maze of already eaten cereal boxes & long forgot empty egg cartons. DVD cases of Thomas The Tank Engine episodes, colourful markers without lids, toy cars & airplanes that need to be put away, add to my list of other Monday chores. Everything that I didn't do over the course of my busy weekend is still sitting there, waiting for me to get to it! Add to that laundry that still needs folding, more laundry that still needs washing, dishes that still need doing, a house that needs cleaning and one exhausted Mommy with the Monday Blahs! Am I the only one who finds it hard to get motivated to accomplish my long, never ending list of Monday chores?!

Feeling sluggish and unable to find my motivation, I sat down and sipped my warmed up leftover coffee out of the pot and decided that I have all week to get caught up, and even at that, it will soon be Monday again and I can add the long list of chores that didn't get finished this week, onto next Monday's list!

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